Life Group

BLESSED* with a Need


Focal Point:  God has blessed you with a need: you need each other.


  • Share one thing you would have liked to change about your family growing up.
  • What are some indications that our culture has become self-centered and self-dependent?


  1. How would you describe your life-style?  Other-centered, family centered, or self-centered?  When you have a physical or financial need, to whom are you more likely to turn besides God?  Why do you think God designed us so that we would need each other?  Name something God has blessed you with that you enjoy sharing with others.
  2. Do you agree that sharing your faith with others is a challenge?  What are some of the reasons you believe make it difficult for believers to share their faith.
  3. Read Acts 2:42-47.  In the early church, to what were believers devoted?  What lifestyle did they adopt?  Whey do you think they shared everything in common?  How can your LifeGroup be more like a family? What role does time play in making that happen?


  • Read Romans 15:7.  How do you understand acceptance?  What is the difference between being judgmental and condoning?
  • We give glory to God by accepting one another.  What are some of the challenges we face in becoming more open to others?  How can your group be a channel of God’s grace?
  • Is there a person in your group you need to reach out to more?  Plan on cultivating a deeper relationship.  (Go out for coffee to hear about each others’ testimony)
  • As a Life Group, make plans to reach out and invite others to join your spiritual family.  What attitudes and actions do you need to take to make your group more inviting and accepting?  Ask the Lord to show you any needs within your spiritual family that He wants you to meet.