Life GroupRelationships

Before You Say, “I Quit”


God hates divorce for the most important reason that He is a God of love. Marriage must not be entered lightly in order to avoid the perils that lead to divorce. If you are ready to quit on your marriage, God offers you truth and hope.


Have you ever considered quitting on your relationship? What are some of the reasons that brought you to that point?

If you know someone who is separated or divorced, what was the impact of the divorce on their family?


  1. Read Genesis 2:18-24 and Malachi 2:16.  What happens when God honors a marriage with His blessing?    Why do you think God hates divorce?
  2. Most married couples simply separate rather than divorce due to mounting legal fees and practicality.  Do you feel that separation is better than divorce?  In what way are they similar?  (The word for divorce is “shalach” which means, “to put away” or “to send away”)
  3. Read Matt. 19:8-9.  According to Jesus, why did Moses allow divorce?  How would you define unfaithfulness today?
  4. In 1 Corinthians 7:10-16, the Apostle Paul addresses divorce between two different types of couples.  What are the common themes or principles in his instructions?
  5. What are the obstacles that prevent resolving marital disputes?  How can faith in God overcome them?


  1. In your group, develop some safe guards that can help you keep your communication with your spouse positive and inspiring. Commit to partnering together to apply these safeguards.
  2. Schedule a “Group Date Night” where you can spend quality time with your spouse and during the group date, take time to give positive and affirming words to your spouse in front of the group.